
邀請春天進家門 Welcome Spring with Our Open Arms

Ancient Chinese divides a years into 24 solar terms, by which people arrange their lives and agricultural activities.The 24 solar terms include Sowing in spring, Plowing in summer, Harvesting in fall, and Storing in winter. Living by the changes of the seasons, people can hopefully have well-being.


生活中的香道(2)--敬 Living with the Art of Incense---Respect

Incense has been indispensable to humans since thousands of years ago. It is extraordinarily vital on religious ceremonies. By burning incense, reciting poetry, and dancing in particular attire, we can make the space for any rituals sacred. Incense conveys unfathomable mystery, making all of us respectful to it.


美的幸福方程式 The Formula of Beauty

A medicine expert in the Ching Dynasty once mentioned in a book, saying that if one was upset, he or she was advised to appreciate the beauty of blossoms, smell the fragrance of something to enhance his or her spiritual status, or listen to some great music to chase away the melancholy, as all the methods were thought to be superior to any medicinal treatment.