
關於香的二三事 Information about Incense

Typically, people relate incense to the incense sticks that are held upright burning in the incense urn. However, this is simply one aspect of how incense is used. In terms of the culture, development, and history of incense, its abundance is beyond the understanding of most people.

When it comes to the manufacture of incense, incense can be produced with only one herb or synthesized with numerous herbs.

Synthetic incense is manufactured, based on the five medicinal herbal properties. Different incense products vary with the proportions of the herbal materials. As we inhale, the fragrance enters into our body, nourishes our organs, and activates our nadis, and thus Chinese, for thousands of years, have been believing that incense can prevent us from disorders.

The light herbal fragrance relaxes us as it permeates into the space. Natural incense calms us down and helps us sleep safe and sound. Incense has been utilized to make our life better, so ancient people were fascinated by incense and greatly used it in their daily life.

When we appreciate the fragrance of incense, we simultaneously experience the inner peace, reflect upon ourselves, slip into a meditation state, and even create something. All can occur in our inner world, which cannot be quantified or measured. Therefore, incense, in one sense, carries an aesthetic and inspiring essence.

As the fragrance permeates, those who smel it can experience the changes in their bodies, emotions, and even thoughts. That is to say, incense can affect our physical and spiritual conditions. Incense gives off amazing fragrance, and regardless of our social statuses, genders, races, or religious beliefs, we can all enjoy the beauty of incense. The non-discriminating property of incense reminds us of the fact that all beings are equal, and thus we can learn to be even more respectful to anything and anyone!

Incense, a token of religion, is also a regimen for our souls. Hence, incense guides us to realize its essence, equality and non-discrimination.

